Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Hi all,

as a kid and early adult I believed absolutely everything I was told, the ultimate believer and even though I was a massive Scooby Doo fan, scrappy doo being my fave, I was suckered in to all sorts, ouija boards, playing vinyl's in reverse, Tarot cards, rune stones and the X-Files capped it all for me.

Somehow in someway I got a wake up call, maybe it was the first wrestling Bio I read or Mitch Pileggi busting the wrestling illusion, shattering my child dreams that it's all true, I'm not sure but I became hardcore skeptical, to the point of madness, de-bunking everything in my path.

With maturity and increased research efforts I have matured a little and ride along a middling path, not dismissing things out of hand, yet not blindly believing, I follow a more Empirical pathway now, one of evidence base and yes science cant yet show everything, emotion is often thrown at me, although brain science is making in roads on that subject, I must follow an empirical base and yes I am a party pooper and intensely disliked by many but weight of evidence is my path.

I will be discussing all sorts of science, fringe science, pseudo-science and anything else that takes my fancy at the time. I do hope you enjoy my posts and do feel free to leave comments of a constructive nature, quality feed back is always appreciated,



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